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- Madison, Natasha
ONLY ONE TOUCH Read online
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“It’s going to get messy,” she says. “Then what?”
I shrug, not ready to face all those questions, because I’m scared of what the answers are going to be. “How is Laurene?”
“She’s good,” she says. “She really needs to speak to you.”
I look over at her with the way her tone was. “Is she okay?” I ask, and she gets off the stool.
“That is for me to know and you to find out,” she says to me. “Off the record.”
I look at her now. “You look happy.”
“What does that mean?” I ask. “I’m always happy.”
“No.” She shakes her head. “You always pretend to be happy. Smile when you need to. Say what needs to be said.” I just look at her. “Maybe it won’t be so bad.”
“What does that mean?” I ask.
“It means that if she makes you happy, go for it.” I don’t say anything to her, not sure what to say. “Just be wary.”
“I’ve never not been wary,” I say, getting up and tossing out the rest of the meal. Suddenly, I’m not hungry anymore. “You know me,” I say, turning and leaning against the counter to look at her.
“I do know you,” she says. “I just don’t want you to get hurt in all of this.”
“Look, I don’t know what to say right now,” I say. “Becca came out of the blue. You know this. She was never on my radar.”
“And now she is.” She points at me.
“And now she is,” I admit. “It was one weekend,” I finally say out loud, not adding in that it was one fucking amazing weekend. The best that I’ve ever had. I don’t add any of that because I’m not ready. And when I am ready, I think that I should talk to Becca about it and not Lizzie. “When it becomes more than that.”
She smirks at me. “It’ll be fun to watch.” She turns, walking away. “Call Laurene!” she shouts.
Chapter 17
“Erika,” I say when I walk out of my office, “can you make sure that all of these are mailed out?” I hand her the box of holiday cards that I just finished signing. “Also,” I start to tell her, but I hear his voice, and my head turns to see Nico walking in with Francis. They are joking about something, and he looks up, seeing me. His smile turns into a smirk. “Well, well, well,” I say, walking to them, “what do we have here?” I look at him, seeing him in a charcoal suit. The black button-down shirt hides the six-pack I know is under there. His belt locking up his best feature. His hair is pushed back, and I try not to think about how I held on to his hair or the way it felt between my legs.
“Hello,” Nico says. I don’t know why, but something gets me not to kiss his lips and wish him hello the way I want to. “Just the woman I wanted to see.” It’s been four days since I’ve seen him or spoken to him. I am not going to lie. I have been checking my phone more often than I should lately.
“Here I am?” I say to him, putting my hands in front of me instead of slipping my finger into his.
“Excuse me, you two,” Francis says. “I have a meeting in five minutes.”
I wait for Francis to step away before I look back at Nico. “Please come this way,” I say, leading him back to my office, smiling at Erika, who looks up at us. “So,” I say, walking to my desk, turning in time to see him close the door behind him.
He walks to me, his eyes going dark as he gets close to me. “Hi,” he says, putting his arm around my waist. “You look good.”
“Had I known you were coming, I would have dre—” I’m stopped when his lips land on mine. My mouth opens for his, and for the first time in four days, I feel okay. Instead of that feeling I was missing something or forgetting something, everything I need is right here. My hands go into the hair I was just thinking about. He kisses me until I’m breathless, and when he lets me go, it takes a minute for me to open my eyes.
“You look good enough to eat,” he says, and I tilt my head to the side.
“Must be the shoes,” I say about my shiny black Louboutin shoes.
“It’s the whole fucking package,” he says, grabbing my ass with one hand and pushing me into him to show me how hard he is.
“We can’t do this here,” I say, taking all my courage and stepping away from him. “This is my workplace.” I shake my head, and he just smiles. “Which means it’s off-limits for anything until after five.”
“Good to know,” he says. “But I didn’t come here for that.”
“Oh?” I ask, surprised.
“I just got back. We were on the West Coast for three days,” he says, and I want to ask if his phone works on the West Coast. I want to ask him why he didn’t call, but then again, why didn’t I call him?
“And I was your first stop,” I tease him, walking back to him. “Isn’t that sweet?”
“Yes,” he says, putting his hands in his pockets. “Actually, I came to personally invite you to the team Christmas party.”
I laugh. “The one that is tomorrow?” I ask. “In less than twenty-four hours.”
“That would be the one,” he says, and I shake my head.
“What’s the matter? Did your date cancel on you at the last minute?” I try to joke about it, but it bothers me more than I thought it would.
“I missed you,” he says softly. “And I wanted to see you.”
“I have to check my phone,” I say, walking over to my desk. And I pick it up and call him. He looks at his phone and then up at me. “Oh, so my phone works, and so does yours.”
He laughs, getting what I’m getting at. I’m expecting him to hang up, but instead, he answers it. “Hey, beautiful.”
“Smooth,” I say, my eyes never leaving his. “Very, very smooth.”
“Sorry I haven’t called you,” he says, “but I’ve been in LA for three days, and it’s been crazy.” His voice goes lower.
“I’m glad you’re back,” I say to him both on the phone and in person.
“Are you busy tomorrow?” he asks, and I shake my head. “Good. Party is at seven. I’ll send you all the details.”
“Okay,” I say.
“I have a dinner tonight, or I’d ask you to come with me.”
“I’m busy tonight,” I lie, and I can see his eyes asking me with who.
“Tomorrow it is,” he says softly. “Can I kiss you before I leave?”
“Would it matter if I said no?” I ask, laughing when he shakes his head. He walks to me, and I set my phone down.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he says, moving my hair over my shoulder. “I really wish I got here after five.”
“Is that so?” I ask him. “And what would you do if you got here after five?”
“I’d fuck you right on your desk,” he says without thinking twice. “The only thing is you’d have to keep quiet.”
I laugh. “I believe I heard you roar my name a couple of times.”
“I have to go,” he says, and I meet his lips for a kiss. I watch him leave, sitting down in my chair and letting out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
“Did you need me for anything?” Erika says to me five minutes later. “I was going to head out to the post office.”
I look at my watch, seeing it’s just after three thirty. “Why don’t you go ahead and call it a day? Early weekend.”
“Thank you,” she says. “I also have all the travel information for you for next month.”
“God, I hate January and February,” I say.
“You say that every single year,” she says, “as soon as December starts.”
“Well then, consider me a creature of habit,” I say, and she laughs. I stay at my desk until eight, going over the travel schedule.
My phone beeps with a message.
Nico: I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
I don’t answer him that night or the next day either. I slip on my red heels when I get a call that my car is waiting. Taking one more look at my outfit, I ignore the flutters in my stomach.
The red skirt is tight around my waist
and flares out. It looks like a bell skirt going to my knees. The top is what makes it sexy, a lace spaghetti strap tight top. The red heels make the whole outfit. My hair is loose and in long waves, tied to one side with a diamond pin. I grab the black shawl, walking to the car. The driver opens the door for me as soon as he sees me.
I make sure my red lipstick is on when we arrive at the address that I was given. The sound of music floats through the air from the restaurant. My door is opened by one of the valets. “Thank you,” I say to him and walk into the restaurant.
“Can I take your jacket?” A woman comes to me, and I hand her my shawl. “I’ll be back with your ticket,” she says, and I wait here until she gets back. The whole place is shut down for this event. Christmas trees are in every corner. The logo of the team is in every single place that there isn’t a Christmas decoration. Christmas carols are playing as I look around the room to see if I spot anyone that I know.
“Becca.” I hear my name and look over to see Ryder, one of the assistant coaches, coming over to me. He’s wearing a gray suit, and he kisses me on the cheek. “So nice of you to come.”
“Thank you,” I say, and then another waitress comes over with a tray full of eggnog and champagne. I grab a glass of champagne. “This is a nice spot.” I make conversation, and he smiles and looks down. I think he’s nervous, but I’m not sure.
“Hey.” I hear from beside me and turn to see Manning walking in. “You’re here,” he says, and I smile at him.
“I’m here.” I take a sip of my drink while he looks over at Ryder and nods. I look around the room to see if Nico is here. I see a couple of players that I represent. “I’m going to go say hi to Jake and Patrick,” I tell Manning. “Save me a seat beside you.”
I walk around people, smiling and then stop by Jake and kiss his cheek, and I do the same to Patrick. “Becca,” Patrick says, “you are looking beautiful as always.”
“Well, thank you,” I say. We talk about the holidays and how happy he is that his family is coming in from Canada. I’m in the middle of talking to him when I feel a hand on my back, and I turn to see Miller standing there. “Hello, you,” I say, and I turn to hug him. “You look nice.”
“Thank you,” he says, and I look over his shoulder for Layla. “Where is your better half?”
“I’m right here,” she says from beside him. “You look fabulous,” she says, looking at my outfit. “I love this skirt.” She then looks at Miller. “Where is my phone?”
“In my pocket,” he says, looking at her, “and you aren’t getting it until Monday.”
“Miller Adams, I will,” she says, and I laugh.
“I’m going to go get a fresh drink,” I say. “Do you want one?” I ask Layla, and she smiles and nods her head. I walk to the bar and place my empty glass down on the wooden bar.
“What can I get you?” the bartender asks.
“Whatever she has is on me,” Ryder says from beside me, and I laugh, and so does he. “It’s actually all on Nico.”
“Well, in that case,” I say, “I’ll have two glasses of wine.” Ryder just looks at me. “One is for Layla.”
He leans one hand on the bar. “Tell me, Becca, why haven’t we spent more time together?” I look at him and throw my head back and laugh.
“I’m going to go out on a limb and say because I don’t mix business with pleasure,” I say, trying not to tell him that the other reason that I won’t go out with him is because I have never thought of him in that way.
“How about we bend the rules for once?” he says, and then he leans in closer. “Take a chance, Becca,” he says.
“What’s going on over here?” I feel a hand on my back. This time my whole body lights up from his touch.
“I’m trying to convince Becca to bend the rules and let me take her out,” Ryder says, and I look over at Nico.
“Is that so?” he says.
“It is so,” I say as the bartender sets the two glasses of wine on the bar for me. “Thank you so much.” I step forward to grab the two glasses, and my back still feels the heat from where his hand was. “If you gentlemen will excuse me, Layla looks like she needs a drink.”
“Let me help you,” Nico says, grabbing a glass from me. “Lead the way.”
Chapter 18
Walking into the holiday party, I shake Manning’s hand and then Miller’s, who’s standing next to him. I do a sweep of the room and see her right away.
She’s standing at the bar with Ryder, who is leaning into her. I don’t even bother with the conversation going on in front of me. I walk over to her. I texted her last night, and she never got back to me. I don’t know why the fuck it bothered me, but it did. I checked my phone a ridiculous amount of times while I was at dinner, and to be honest, I have no idea what was even going on.
I was gone for four days without talking to her or seeing her, and the minute that I saw her, I missed her more than I cared to admit.
“What’s going on over here?” I put my hand on the base of her back. Her body has a slight shiver.
I look at Becca and then Ryder. “I’m trying to convince Becca to bend the rules and let me take her out.” Ryder smirks and then looks over at me. The only thing I can see in my head is me throat punching him.
“Is that so?” It is the only thing I can muster up to say, putting my hands in my pockets before I throat punch him accidentally.
“It is so,” Becca says right before the bartender sets two glasses of wine on the bar. “Thank you so much. If you gentlemen will excuse me, Layla looks like she needs a drink.”
“Let me help you.” I grab a glass from her, and she just looks at me. “Lead the way.”
She walks past me, and I smell her soft citrus smell, and my cock stirs for her. “Here you are,” Becca says, handing the glass to Layla.
“Thank you,” she says, and they click glasses. I put my hands in my pockets before I reach out for her. It’s not the time for me to do anything rash.
“There you are,” Lizzie says, coming to me. She looks at everyone and says hello. “Hello, everyone. It’s time for pictures.”
“It’s my favorite time of the night,” Manning says, and I laugh at him as he follows Lizzie. I look over at Becca, who just looks at me as I follow Lizzie.
I walk over to where Lizzie is, and my eyes fly back to see Becca chatting with the girls. Her head goes back as she laughs. I look forward again, but I’m aware of where she is every single minute that we are doing pictures.
There are waiters that go up to her, and she smiles at them, and they are all under her spell, and she has no idea. Her hair is to one side, leaving her neck out and open for me to bite it. I pose for a picture, my eyes always roaming the room to see her walking around.
When the photographer says he has everything he needs, I look around the room again. This time I see her asking the waitress something, and I see her pointing at the darkened hall. I walk behind her without her knowing, and I grab her by the hips right before she is about to go into the bathroom. She shrieks out. “You are driving me crazy,” I bend and whisper in her ear, and she turns around.
“I haven’t even done anything.” She looks up at me. I look from right to left, seeing a brown door. I grab her hand, opening the door and seeing it’s a maintenance closet. Pulling her in behind me and turning so I can close the door behind her, I push her against the door.
“Do you know that red is a color for sex?” My hands go to her face. “I missed you,” I admit.
“Is that so?” She smirks, my mouth coming closer to hers. “I missed you, too,” she admits to me right before our mouths meet. She arches her back into me, and my cock stirs to life. She moves her hands from her sides to my hips, then down to cup my cock. We swallow each other’s moans.
“Fuck,” I say, leaving her lips and sucking on her neck. She raises her leg over my hip, pressing her pussy to my cock. “We can’t do this here.” I move from one side of her neck to the other. My hands
go up to her ass and bunch the skirt into my fists.
“You’re right.” Her voice comes out in almost a pant. “We can’t do this.” She moves her hand up and down on my cock. I feel her hands on the zipper. “We should get out there,” she says, moving her hand into my pants. Her hand creeps to the elastic of my boxers, and just like that, her soft smooth hand is holding my cock.
“I have to get inside you.” My hands move to her skirt and pull it up until it’s around her waist. Her hands go to my belt as she unclips it at the same time I push her thong to the side and slide two fingers into her. “Too long.” I say the only thing that comes to my head.
She pushes the pants over my hips as my cock springs free. “This isn’t how I wanted to do this,” I say, reaching into my back pocket and pulling out a condom. I look at her through the dark, her eyes closed as she moves her hips with my fingers.
“More.” Her hand moves in sync with my fingers.
“I wanted you spread out for me.” I push her hands away from my cock as I roll the condom down over my cock. I have a moment of what the fuck am I doing going through my head. But it’s only for a split second because the need to have her is bigger than any doubt that I have right now. I pick her leg up over my arm, opening her as wide as she can go, replacing my fingers with my cock. Both of us moaning when I slide all the way in. “We don’t have time.” I thrust into her as hard as I can, and she moans out louder. “Shhh,” I say, my thrusts coming harder and shorter.
We both hear voices coming closer to the door as my thrusts go slower. Inch by fucking inch coming out of her and then slamming back into her. I feel her fingers moving over her clit. “Nico,” she says my name, and I know she’s about to come because my cock is being strangled by her. “So close.”
“Let go,” I say, putting my mouth on hers as she comes. I swallow down her silent moan right before I push myself balls deep in her, and I close my eyes. I come for what seems like hours. I haven’t had her in four days, and I’ve been dying. I’ve woken up every single morning with the biggest hard-on, and nothing, I mean nothing could cure it. I had to take care of myself every single day, but it wasn’t the same.