Her tongue slowly lets go of mine, our chests heaving. “That was so needed,” she says, kissing under my jaw. “Thank you for that.”
I slip out of her, and my arm drops her leg. “Come home with me.” I say the words before my mind can catch up to what is happening. My house is always off-limits. It’s the only place that is truly only mine. I’ve never brought a woman home, and not only was I asking her to come over but I was also planning on not letting her leave until she had to.
“What?” she asks, almost as shocked as I am. I tuck myself back into my pants.
“Come home with me,” I say again, this time I’m not sure I’m asking her. “I’ll see you out there.” Kissing her and walking out to go to the bathroom, I’m thankful that no one is there so I slip into the men’s bathroom and take care of the condom. I wash my hands before pulling the door open and seeing Ryder joking with Becca.
“Totally wrong door,” she says and looks at me. “They need a brighter light in the hallway.”
“Is everything okay?” I ask, and Ryder laughs.
“Becca walked into the wrong door,” he says as Becca’s smile never leaves her face.
“Well, excuse me while I visit the actual ladies’ room,” she says to both of us as she walks away and goes to the bathroom.
“That woman,” Ryder says once Becca is out of earshot. “I’ve been trying to get her to notice me for a year now.”
“I had no idea,” I say, putting my hands in my pockets and not making any attempt to leave the hallway. “I think she’s with someone.”
He looks at me in surprise. “Really?” he says and I have no other words to say right now. “She is always alone.”
“I think she mentioned it to me the other day.” I am lying out of my ass right now.
Becca comes out and stops when she sees us both here. “Are you guys waiting for me?” she asks, and I swear she glows.
“I was just chatting with Ryder here.” I look at him. “I bet him fifty bucks you had a boyfriend.”
Her eyes go wide. “Is that so?” She folds her arms over her chest. “I don’t know if you would call him my boyfriend,” she says. “More like a friend with a certain benefit. We haven’t really put a name on it.”
“Well then, it’s his loss,” Ryder says. “Shall we?” He motions with his hand. Becca walks out into the party with both of us following her.
“I think it’s time to sit,” Ryder says.
“I have to find Manning.” Becca looks over at him. “We are sitting together.”
“Well then, I will see you later,” he tells her as we both look around for Manning, and I see him sitting at a table with Ralph and Miller.
“It’s time.” I look up to see Lizzie there, and my eyebrows pinch together. “The speech. You know welcome, have fun, Merry Christmas, all that jazz.”
“Right,” I say, taking a huge breath of air, looking to see her sitting as she takes a sip of wine. “Where am I sitting?” I ask Lizzie, who looks around the room and then looks back at me.
“Where would your highness like to sit?” she asks sarcastically. “I think I see two chairs empty at Manning’s table. Would you like me to reserve them for us?”
I glare at her. “That would be good.” She shakes her head, laughing. “Go say your speech. I hope you aren’t this grumpy during dinner.” She looks over her shoulder, walking away. “Something tells me you are going to be super chipper.”
“You’re fired,” I say between clenched teeth.
“Good.” She smiles back at me. “If you want to rehire me, I need a new contract.” She turns. “I’ll ask Becca if she’ll take me on as a client.”
I’m about to tell her to fuck off when Martin approaches. “I’m ready when you are.” He looks at me.
“I’ll start.” Turning to walk to the DJ booth. “Let’s get this over with so we can eat,” I say, but in reality, I just want to get to my seat.
Chapter 19
“How are you enjoying Dallas?” I ask Graham when I finally catch him.
“I’m loving it, actually,” he says, smiling. “The team was amazing in welcoming me. From Nico to the coach and even the players. Every person has been helpful.”
“I’m so, so glad,” I say. “Now, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is and show them what you can really do.”
“That’s my goal,” he says, and I have no doubt he’ll make sure he kills it. He is looking to score big with his next contract, and I’m going to do what I need to do on my end to do just that.
“If I can have everyone’s attention.” I hear Nico’s voice boom over the system. The chatter of everyone comes to a stop. The sounds of plates fill the room as they start to serve the first course. “If everyone can get to their seats. Dinner will be starting,” he says as people move to their respective seats. I tap Graham’s arm, walking over to the table and sitting next to Manning. The two chairs beside me are empty.
“I wanted to take a minute to thank you guys for all of the hard work that everyone is doing this year. It hasn’t been an easy year so far.” He points at a guy sitting in a wheelchair. “But I have no doubt with our newest member”—he points at Graham, who just nods at him—“we are going to be kicking ass. Your coach wants to say a little something.” He hands the mic to the coach, and I zone out, mostly because all I can do is look at Nico. His black suit molds to him, and I can see his smooth chest where his white button-down shirt is open at the neck. A chest I licked to my heart's content last weekend. Whether he was on top of me or I was riding him, I made sure I left my mark on him.
“Is anyone sitting here?” Lizzie asks Miller of the empty seat beside him, and she sits down and smiles at me.
“Okay, folks, drink and be merry,” Nico says. I look over at Lizzie, and we share a confused look.
I know the minute the empty seat beside me is being pulled out that he is sitting right next to me. I knew the minute Lizzie came to sit at the table that he would follow.
I side-eye him as he takes a drink from a glass of water. He moves to the side, closer to me when the man places a plate in front of him.
“That was a fine speech,” Lizzie says to him. “I like how you said drink and get merry. That was an interesting choice of words.” Nico looks at her, and I can feel his leg beside mine.
I roll my lips together, trying not to laugh at her. “That is how the saying goes. Drink and be merry.” He starts to argue with her and looks around the table. Layla is the only one willing to tell him the truth.
“I don’t think so,” Layla says while I lean back in my chair.
“I’m going to check Google,” Miller says, and we all groan.
“Is there anything that you don’t check on Google?” I ask, and Layla answers for him, rolling her eyes.
“Nope.” She looks over at him. “He googles just about everything. Last week, he had to google what was an appropriate Christmas gift for a girlfriend of one year.”
“You did not,” I say, slapping the table while Ralph and Manning just shake their heads and laugh at him.
“I did, and I’ll have you know I didn’t take any of their suggestions.” He looks back at Layla. “I went out of my bubble. It is a saying, ‘Eat, drink, and be merry.’”
Nico looks over at Lizzie. “Told you so,” he says to her.
“Let me finish,” Miller says, and we all look over at him. “For tomorrow we die.”
“What?” Ralph says out loud, gasping. “Shut up. That isn’t true.”
“It is,” he says, handing him the phone, and he passes it around the table. Nico is the only one to pass on looking at it. I lean over him to hand Lizzie the phone.
“This is a classic, and I’m never going to let you live it down.” She looks at Nico. “Miller, while you are on Google,” Lizzie says, grabbing her glass of wine and finishing it off, “can you check and see if red is the color for sex?”
“It is,” Manning says. “It has to be.” I l
ook over at him.
“Told you,” Lizzie says, clapping her hands together and pointing at Nico.
“It is not,” I say, shaking my head. “It’s actually a mating tactic for other species.” I take a sip of wine.
“So it’s a yes,” Miller says. “It says a female wears red as a sexual signal.”
“Are we having a debate?” I ask, looking at the women. “I’m wearing red tonight. I’m not on the hunt to attract a male.”
“That’s not what I heard,” Candace says teasingly, pointing at me. “I heard Ryder was asking about you.”
I look over at her, shocked, avoiding Nico’s stare. “He asked me about you.” Ralph puts up his hand.
“Me, too,” Manning says, looking over at me.
“Me, too,” Nico says from beside me, and I look over at him.
“Well, I’m very much not available,” I tell the table, side-eyeing Nico. “Besides, what’s the saying.” I look at Miller. “Don’t shit where you eat.”
“Yes.” Miller points at me, cutting his steak. “Obviously, I didn’t listen to that.” He looks over at Layla and winks.
“I didn’t either,” Ralph says, pulling Candace to him and kissing her lips.
“Well, unlike you two,” I say, “I know how to follow the rules.”
“I need another drink,” Lizzie says, getting up. “Anyone want anything?”
“Shots,” Layla says, “for the girls.”
Miller pushes away from the table and holds out his hand to Layla. “Come dance with me.” She smiles at him shyly and grabs his hand, going to the dance floor. Ralph and Candace follow, and I feel Manning push away from the table.
“If you ask me to dance, I’m going to kick you in the balls,” I tell Manning, side-eyeing him while I cut a piece of my food and chew it.
“I’m not going to ask you to dance,” he says, laughing. “I’m actually ducking out.”
“Ohhh, does this have to do with …?” I ask, not sure what Nico knows.
“It totally does. I wanted to bring her today, but she was against it,” Manning says. “So if it’s okay with you,” he tells Nico.
“I’ll tell them the sitter called,” Nico says, covering for him. “Go have fun.”
I watch him walk out of the restaurant and then look over at Nico, who sits in the chair and puts his arm over my chair. His thumb rubs up and down my shoulder. “Is that what you and Ryder were talking about?” I ask Nico. “He asked you about me.”
“More or less,” he says, picking up his glass of water, his hand never leaving my arm.
“What did you tell him?” I ask, looking at him. When he took me in the closet before, I was shocked that I let it happen. Shocked that I would be that crazy to getting caught with my pants down or my skirt up. But with one touch, I melted in his arms.
“I told him you were taken,” he says, drinking and avoiding my eyes.
“Did you?” I look at him and wait for his gaze to meet mine.
“I might have mentioned you were seeing someone on the down low,” he says and looks at me. “When do you want to leave?”
“We haven’t even eaten,” I point out.
“I have food at home,” he says, leaning in. “Besides, I had a different meal in mind anyway.”
“Did you?” I’m about to ask what exactly that means when everyone comes back.
“I have shots.” Lizzie sets down a tray and hands it to the women. “Bottoms up, ladies.” She hands me a shot, and I put my hand up and down the tequila shot.
It burns all the way down. I cough a little, setting the glass down. “Well, everyone, that is my cue to leave before I make a really bad decision,” I say, getting up. “Thank you for the invite, Nico,” I say. “Everyone, I’ll see you soon.” I turn, walking to the door, getting my ticket out for my shawl.
The woman takes off to get me my shawl, and she’s back within minutes. “Ready?” I hear Nico beside me, and my eyes go wide. “I told them I had a business meeting I had to attend.”
“They believed you?” I ask, shocked as he puts his hand on the base of my back.
“Lizzie knew exactly why I was leaving,” he says, and I don’t know why I’m shocked by this. I saw her in New York, and then he stayed with me.
“My driver,” I say, and he looks at me.
“I should go and get my car and maybe change clothes,” I say, and he smirks at me.
“The plans I have for you.” He gets even closer to me. “Involves you with no clothes on.” My car comes around, and the driver gets out. “She’s taken care of,” Nico says, grabbing my hand and pulling me toward his SUV.
He puts me in the passenger seat before going to his side of the SUV. He gets in, and just the way he handled that makes me so hot for him. I’ve never had someone take charge like that. They usually let me do my own thing. It’s what I’ve always wanted, what I’ve always thought I wanted. I was wrong. “I don’t like being told what to do,” I say, and he looks over at me, smirking.
“You’re lying,” he says, pulling out of the parking lot. One hand is on the steering wheel, and one is on the door. The black suit fits his arm so perfectly. The cuffs stick out perfectly, the monogram engraved on his cuff links. “If I wasn’t driving right now.” He looks at me. “I’d show you just how much you love me telling you what to do.”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” I say, looking out the window, afraid that if he sees my eyes, he will know I’m lying.
I can’t even focus on the ride there, my mind is playing everything that I want him to do to me. I cross my legs when I think of how he took me in a fucking closet. “What’s the matter?” I look over at him.
“Why do you think something is the matter?” I ask, pretending my body isn’t affected by him.
“You love when I’m the boss,” he says, and I roll my eyes. He pushes a button, and the gate opens. I look at his monster of a house and any other time I would be more interested in it. But right now my body has a really big itch and he’s the only one that can scratch it. “How much do you want to bet if I slide my fingers inside you,” he says, unbuckling his seat belt and then leaning over, “you’ll be soaking?”
I look at him, turning in my seat and I’m thankful this SUV is spacious. My back against the door, I put one leg on the dashboard and cock the other one up. I pull my dress up showing him that nothing will stop him from entering me. “Only one way to find out,” I bait him.
Chapter 20
“Where are you going?” I lift my head off the pillow and see Becca getting out of bed. I turn my head to see that it is just after five in the morning. “The sun isn’t even up yet.” I turn over on my back to watch and see where she is going. She walks over to the chair in the corner and grabs her clothes.
“I know.” She laughs over her shoulder as she puts on the black lace top that she wore two days ago. “But it’s Monday morning, and I have work.” She grabs the red dress and slips into it. “Go back to sleep,” she whispers.
“I can drive you.” I had the weekend off, which never really happens. After we got home from the party on Friday, we stayed in my bedroom for a good twenty-four hours without coming out. The both of us frantic to one-up the other person. I’ve never had this need before. I’ve never had this want before. “At seven.”
“I really need to get a run in.” She walks back over to the corner picking up her shoes. “I haven’t worked out all weekend.”
“I beg to differ.” Tossing the sheets off me and getting up. As naked as the day I was born.
“Naked Twister is not exercise.” She laughs, grabbing her bag. “What are you doing getting up? I can get an Uber.”
“And I can drive you,” I say, walking to her and grabbing her face, giving her a kiss. Her hands land on my hips. “You are wearing too much clothes,” I say when I pull her to me.
“God.” Her breath comes out in a whisper when I start to kiss her neck. “I was hoping to avoid this.” Her hands go from my hi
ps to my cock. “I guess I could spare a couple of minutes.” I try not to laugh, with her there is nothing that lasts a couple of minutes. Nothing. It’s always one trying to outlast the other. “But I really have to leave by seven.” I don’t answer her because she drops to her knees and takes my cock into her mouth. I watch her take me into her mouth, her hand going under her skirt.
The same skirt that she pulled up in the car and baited me. The minute I saw her bare without panties, my face planted into her and I ate her like someone who hadn’t eaten in a week. If the SUV had enough room, I would have fucked her right then and there. I thought about going into the back, but after having her in a closet I wanted her spread eagle for me. My hips move as she slowly rolls her tongue over the tip. “Becca,” I whisper. She closes her eyes, her mouth moving faster and faster, and I know that she’s close herself. I pull my cock out of her mouth, and she groans.
“Get naked,” I say, stroking my cock that is still wet from her mouth. She pulls the skirt over her head, and when the skirt is in a puddle around her feet, she steps toward the bed.
She looks over her shoulder. “Think you can give it to me so hard I feel you all day.” She baits me again as she bends over, spreading her legs for me. She’s already dripping wet, so I grab another condom. When I walk back to her, she has two fingers inside her while her thumb plays with her clit. I place my cock at her entrance, her fingers coming out as I slam into her so hard my balls slap her clit. I hold her hips into my hand so tight I know I’m going to leave a mark as I fuck her with everything that I have.
She puts her knees on the bed and arches her back. I grab her hair, pulling her back to me, and suck her neck. Her nipples are asking for me to hold onto them. I move my hips, fucking her softly, her pussy squeezing me tighter and tighter. I roll both her nipples in my hands and then pitch them. She moans out as she fucks me back, pushing against me. “Hold on,” I say and she places her hand onto the bed as I slam into her over and over again. The both of us panting and moaning. A thin sheen of sweat fills my chest and her back. “How is it.” I slam into her once and slowly pull out . “That I’m still in you.” I repeat the same time again. “Yet I can’t wait to have you again.”